This outfit was inspired by:
(photo: elusiveshadow)
Books I'm Reading Right Now
By Michael Jackson (re-reading!)
I Will Teach You To Be Rich
By Ramit Sethi
Women Don't Ask By Linda Babcock, Sara Laschever
Totally inspired by the wholesome, preppy, and absolutely-work appropriate outfit that Michael wore to Disneyland during the Off The Wall era. Michael did so many of these sweater/collared button-layered looks and to be honest, this style has been a staple of mine at work all winter. Since it is warming up here though, I decided that it was okay to break out the coral sweater (one of the colors I am going wild over for this Spring.) Most of my spring wardrobe will be cenetered around baby pinks, mint greens, creams, light grays, and my favorite... light denim!
I actually wore this to work today but, took photos of this outfit earlier this week (when I was able to take some time out of my day at a decent hour to catch some sunlight).
Work has been really hectic for me because it is my first time actually doing the event execution (from start to finish) on my company's debut at one of the biggest beauty events here in NYC. Very excited, especially since my dream career is to run my own event planning business. Someday I know I will be able to plan these types of things without any major headaches but, for now, I am kind of (notice I said, kind-of) enjoying the organizing, reading and reviewing, negotiating with vendors and such. I am very business minded and I truly enjoy the challenge that I am now experiencing at work every day.
Anyway, am I the only one that is very excited for the Spring to come? I can't wait to start taking shots of more creative MJ-inspired Lookbooks. I hope you guys enjoyed my Disneyland Lookbook today. If you enjoy my blog posts...