With the 25th year anniversary of the release of Dangerous and the current #Dangerous25 social media campaign being held by the estate, I was inspired to share some of the reasons why Michael Jackson’s Dangerous album has been (and probably always will be) my favorite.
Read morethere's something about you baby... that makes me want to
Lately I have been really into watching my Dangerous: The Short Films DVD. It's seriously one of my favorite to watch because it was the one DVD that I had a difficult time finding when I was in high school and at the PEAK of my Dangerous album obsession. The Dangerous album is still my favorite so naturally, this DVD is one that I can play all the way through with the most ease at any time. I am like SO into this DVD right now.
I once watched "Who Is It" over 60 times in a row trying to figure out what the video was about.
True story.
I'm random... I know.
Michael Jackson and the songs he never performed live.
Well, I do.
I told you guys about my experiences seeing the Jacksons Unity tour (here, here, and here -yes, I went three times) but I don't think I mentioned that one of the reasons I couldn't get enough of this tour was because I was able to hear a live rendition of a song that Michael had never done live before!
Yes I know that some folks in the MJ community have reservations about seeing the Jacksons Unity Tour but let me tell you... They did "Can't Let Her Get Away" and it was one of my favorite parts of the entire Unity Tour Experience.
I have a million other songs that we never heard or saw Michael perform live but, I am actually really surprised at how much I enjoyed hearing this song performed by a live band (cause its never been one of those I'd yearned to see performed on stage). It was THE BOMB! Although it wasn't MJ's voice, the music was just EVERYTHING.
One of the things I miss most about Michael is seeing him perform live. Actually no, not even perform. I miss seeing him alive. Like just seeing him smile, walk from a building to his big black SUV, scribble an autograph for a fangirl, I even miss just seeing him blink.
Yes, I do.
But the fact that we will never see him perform live again is something that like just totally breaks my heart when I sit and think about it. 'Cause he should be here. He shouldn't be a past tense memory.
Hearing the music always brings him back to life for me though so, I want to thank the Jacksons for doing the Unity Tour and breathing life into the musical legacy of Michael Jackson this summer.
It means more than you'll ever know.
Do you guys have a song that you wish Michael would've performed live? Share it with me in a comment :-).
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Random Thought: Whispering in Michael Jackson songs.
Y'all know that I belieive that Michael has innovated and created basically any and everything when it comes to popular music. I seriously mean it. Michael has done so much of EVERYTHING that when artists today come out with "new" concepts for music videos, dance routines, and even songs that are popularly considered unique, I can usually pick out an element that's been influenced (or done first, ha!) by Michael.
“Wait (The Whisper Song”) is a hip-hop song done by the Ying-Yang Twins a couple years back. It was a huge hit among both hip-hop and mainstream music fans alike, peaking at #15 on the “Hot 100” in 2005. The song featured the Ying Yang Twins whispering over a low pulse beat and finger snaps. It was arguably a favorite amongst a lot of people who were entranced by the beat and had fun trying to figure out what was actually being said.
I was just talking to a friend about this song the other day and it was fresh in my mind when I turned my iPod on this morning. As usual, I skipped past some songs I wasn’t in the mood to hear and stopped to play “Speed Demon”. I pumped the volume and started to notice something I’d NEVER noticed, before I even hit the 30 second mark.
What? Blasphemy, you say!?
No, seriously though. M is whispering something in Speed Demon. I can’t hear what he is saying but, it was just something awesome that I was able to uncover. Maybe one day when I can afford to get some Dre Beats Headphones…
Can any of you possibly tell me what he is saying?
This is not the first time that Michael has whispered on a song. On the very next album, Dangerous, he whispers in the song “Who Is It”.
Now the whispering works to increase the drama and build the tension before M’s ad-libs before the conclusion of the song. If you haven’t, take a listen to “Who Is It”. Get to the musical break and listen closely.
Do you hear him?:
“Don’t bother me.” “Try to make me quit.” “It just won’t stop” … and so on.
I love this whispering technique as used in this song because it just builds and builds and builds. M uses a similar technique in P.Y.T. (Pretty Young Thing) and also in the intro of “Don’t Stop Til You Get Enough”… I personally love it!
M certainly knows how to use techniques like whispering to make his songs not only more interesting to listen to but, even more fun to dissect.
Do you hear him?:
“Don’t bother me.” “Try to make me quit.” “It just won’t stop” … and so on.
I love this whispering technique as used in this song because it just builds and builds and builds. M uses a similar technique in P.Y.T. (Pretty Young Thing) and also in the intro of “Don’t Stop Til You Get Enough”… I personally love it!
M certainly knows how to use techniques like whispering to make his songs not only more interesting to listen to but, even more fun to dissect.
Have you heard what I am talking about yet?
Get the song Speed Demon
for only $1.29 cents!
How about Who Is It
Don't forget to follow MJFanGirl on Twitter @MJFanGirlBlog ! Until next time...