Selected as Michael’s 8th best music video by Rolling Stone magazine, “Leave Me Alone” was the only short film for which Michael would receive a Grammy award in the Best Music Video, Short Form category (1990).
Read moreFan Review of Michael Jackson BAD 25 Deluxe Edition
Okay so I know that this post is atrociously late but, I figure that this is one of those better late than never cases. I am shut in because of Hurricane Sandy so, instead of studying all day I have decided to come on here and talk to you guys about Michael! Do you guys forgive me? :)
As many of you know, there were several versions of the BAD 25th Anniversary collections released. I chose to stick to the Deluxe Edition that retails for about $35.00 USD here on I actually got a really great deal on this from Groupon Goods, which has become my new guilty pleasure. (Seriously, I am on there every morning checking out what great things they've got on sale. I've made at least 7 purchases, most of them being of beautiful jeweler most of them being 90% off-- or more. I'm talkin' about sparkly simulated diamond earrings for just $8 bucks and free shipping. You can't beat that....)
But anyway.... back to Michael Jackson and this awesome BAD 25th celebratory set. I personally chose this one because I am running out of room for storage of Michael Jackson stuff. Actually, I haven't even had the chance to bring all of my MJ collectors items into my new apartment. I don't really have plans to do so but, I know that I have to eventually because being away from my most prized possessions is not easy.
After partying mad hard with the Legacy of Love Crew at our huge BAD 25 celebration, I only got a chance to open my own BAD 25 goodies about a week after they were released.
Everything came in this black matte case. It's kind of the same thickness that the HIStory album is, so it won't have a problem fitting on your shelf. (But won't fit in one of those slotted CD/DVD holders).
This set contained 3 CDs: The original BAD album, the BONUS Material (a bunch of unreleased songs from the BAD Era), and a LIVE CD of the BAD Tour. I believe that this is the first live album that we have from Michael Jackson. The Jacksons Live is one of my personal favorite albums and although this BAD Live album was released posthumously, I am grateful for it.
I don't have much to say about the first or second discs. I would like to reiterate my personal stance on posthumous material.... it takes me a LONG time to warm up. To be honest, it is only in the past few WEEKS that I have been able to listen to "Breaking News" without wincing. Although I love the song it's just, there's no imagery to really associate with it. Just another reminder that Michael is gone. For now, I will maintain that my favorite track on Disc Two is "Todo Mi Amor Eres Tu". Anyone that wants to convince me that there's another track on here worth swooning over, is totally free to do so!
Disc Three is really refreshing and a breath of fresh air. It's one of those albums that I can see me putting on my ipod and falling asleep to when the times get tough. His voice is just so crisp, clear, powerful and strong. I really believe that this was Michael's PEAK in terms of concert performances and I am so appreciative that the Michael Jackson Estate listened to the begging and pleading of fans around the world that this material be released.
There are two pretty nice booklets with lots of photos that we have never seen before. My only complaint is that the photos are pretty much all miniature like this:
I kinda sorta wish we had them all larger but, it's always great to see never before seen photographs of Michael. When Michael left us, I felt like we'd never get to see anything new. No new pictures of him smiling, laughing, performing etc. but, with this, I am really impressed and it really contributes to feeling like he is still here with us in spirit!
The last disc of the set is a DVD of one of Michael's shows at Wembley Stadium from 1988, formally titled Michael Jackson Live At Wembley 7.16.1988
. I can say between this DVD and the LIVE performance CD, this BAD 25 collection has left a few thoughts lingering in my mind.
- It is in fact possible, to hold your own private performance of the intro of WBSS from the BAD tour. (and you will kick a**). sidebar: am i the only fan that like jumped up and did all of the dance moves when this came on?
- If there is ever a time machine invented that is available for public, or Michael Jackson fan use, I'd like to go back to 1988 *pwetty pwease*
- Michael is seriously the best performer of all time. There will never be another, forreal forreal.
- Damn, I wish Michael was still here.
Overall , I would say this is a pretty good buy. Of course, most fans already have the BAD 25 album but, I truly would recommend all Michael Jackson fans to have this in their arsenal. To be honest, if nothing else, the DVD is something worth having. If you haven't seen Michael Jackson perform live during the BAD era, you are truly truly missing out! Let me tell you another thing, this TOTALLY beats watching some beat up old copy on Youtube. Youtube DOES have some gems but, for Michael Jackson fans I always advocate having a real copy. Michael was electrifying and apart from when I saw him live in 2001, this was probably my best Michael Jackson concert experience to date. My favorite parts of the concert were Thriller (Tarzan much?) and Human Nature, just because he was so into it and he sounded (and looked) delicious! He was workin' hard up there, especially towards the end with the robotic dance move finale. I wish that the BAD 25th Anniversary sets would have contained at least one more concert from the BAD Tour. Even if it was just an official release of Yokohama. I'm confident that we will get other concerts down the line though and as they say, patience is a virtue.
For all of those who haven't gotten a chance to get BAD 25, check it out here on Bad, 25th Anniversary Edition, Deluxe Edition
You can also just get the DVD alone on amazon too! Michael Jackson Live At Wembley 7.16.1988
Thanks so much for reading and let me know your thoughts on BAD 25 below! What were your likes and dislikes about this set?
For all of my East Coasters out there.... be SAFE! xx
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The Bittersweet Taste of BAD 25
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Now running a Michael Jackson fan club here in New York City, I am totally aware that all fans will have different opinions on different subjects. That is why, at Legacy of Love, we choose to remain neutral on these types of topics. Yes, my co-organizer and I have our own thoughts and desires, relating to what we'd like to see happen with unreleased material and the anniversaries of previously released material. But so what!!!! Legacy of Love was created to celebrate Michael's legacy and all of what he's accomplished. It also was created to help preserve the camaraderie of the Michael Jackson community on the East Coast. So when a fan logged onto meetup last weekend, and began to accuse me and my co-organizer of NOT being REAL FANS, I was too THROUGH.
He proceeded to urge us to celebrate the "OLD BAD"...
I mean I have the old BAD album...
On vinyl.
On cassette tape.
On CD (original album and 2001 remaster).
On iTunes in mp3 form.
Isn't that enough damn support?
Was Michael resurrected and forced to like re-record this album for the 25th Anniversary? 'Cause that just went WAY over MY head. All of the material on BAD 25, including the tour footage... Is OLD!
A word for those who don't know how we get down at Legacy of Love...
We will celebrate what we want, when we want at Legacy of Love and if you want to get into the politics of posthumous Michael Jackson, find someone else to entertain that. Its not that serious for me because my goal is to promote and preserve the togetherness of the Michael Jackson community, through celebrating his artistic career. Not everyone is going to agree on everything but, I'm assummmmmming that everyone who calls themselves a Michael Jackson fan, DOES like his music... I mean... Ya'll do right?
We are not a charity for a reason. (We do have a charity that we love and support, which is Heal The World for Children- check them out here!)
We are not a protest group for a reason.
We remain neutral for a reason.
We celebrate the fans and Michael as an artist-- PERIOD.
I REFUSE to be peer pressured into not recognizing the 25th anniversary of one of the greatest pop albums of all time. Yes, of all time. If you don't want to dance to a song that he recorded, worked his ass off on promoting and perfecting in 1987, that's on you. No seriously. I totally respect that. But, that's not my style.
We work hard on our Meetup.
We pour lots of energy, money, time and LOVE into this group and refuse to have anyone else tear our groups spirit and mission down. We do this out of pure love and dedication to the man. We do not get paid to do this. Its seriously out of love (and some of my passion for event planning).If you want to debate about what you THINK happened to Michael and what you THINK the fans should be doing, write a letter to the Estate. Log onto a forum. Rant and rave on your Facebook. Subtweet ALL you want. Tweet AT me (I'm MJFanGirl_blog btw.)
Just please. Don't bring it to Legacy of Love.
We have many other events talking about the "OLD" material. You are free to attend any or all of those, if you aren't into being a part of anything related to new releases. I support everyone's right to have a voice and an opinion but, I have too much going on in my offline life and I can't be but so bothered to debate for hours on this. (But, I DO love comments, so feel free to leave one!) I know what he means to me and I know what part I've personally done in this community.
*Cue Janet Jackson break -- What have YOU done for [the MJ community] lately?*
So in closing I ask...
Are we wrong to to be celebrating BAD 25 ????
Do you prefer being a part of clubs that peer pressure you into leaning one way or do you like being a part of an MJ club that is neutral? PS: Don't forget to Pre-Order BAD 25 if you haven't already done so! 8 days and counting...
The Elusive, Mysterious, BAD 25 Michael Jackson Pepsi Can
Mission complete.
If you've been hiding under a rock, you've totally missed the fact that Pepsi came out with limited edition soda cans. The cans were limited but, sold all throughout the United States and other countries such as China, the UK, and Japan. The cans weren't available in just any store. Some fans ordered them into their local grocery stores. Some traveled far and wide to get them. Some got them sent to them from MJ Fans out of the area.
One of my Michael Jackson fan friends gifted this baby to me. I haven't opened it and am kinda undecided on whether I am really going to drink the contents or not....
Have you opened your MJ Pepsi Can or are you saving it for your children/a rainy day, like I am?
Share a comment or tweet me and let me know :).
PS: Props to ANYONE that can guess the Michael Jackson playing in the background! (What...? I've gotta get in the mood when I post! *wink*)
BAD 25
Are you ready?
Today the Michael Jackson fan community got some of the best news that we've had in a LONG time.
In honor of the 25th anniversary of the BAD album, a number of limited edition collectors items will be avilaible on SEPTEMBER 18th, 2012. One of the most sought after concerts, Wembley 1988 will be released on DVD, as well as 3 CDs including demos and previously unreleased material, AND t-shirts, BAD Tour replica jacket and MORE!
When I get more information about this, I will post but, I will say that today has been one of the BEST days (in my opinion) for the Michael Jackson fan community in a really really long time!
Are you as excited about BAD 25 as I am?
Follow me on Twitter to keep updated on the BAD 25 hysteria!