Have any other MJFam out there had baby fever? I will be the first to admit, I sometimes catch myself daydreaming of what my children would look like, what they would be like. I wonder if they'll be children of their time or old souls like me. I wonder what they will think about Michael. Let me tell you this... if my kids grew up hating Michael because they were force-fed his music and videos by their dear old mom, I would probably die a little on the inside (kidding!). I want them to be exposed to all different types of music... seriously, I do.
Yes, you heard me right... BABIES GO MICHAEL JACKSON!
Babies Go Michael Jackson is one of the few Michael Jackson themed lullaby albums that I have come across and in my humble opinion, the best pick of the bunch. A lot of the other CD's have fast-paced jarring songs that just end up sounding like old-school midi ringtones as opposed to lullabies.
Here is the tracklist:
1. I'll Be There
2. The Girl Is Mine
3. Heal The World
4. You Are Not Alone
5. I Just Can't Stop Loving You
6. Man In The Mirror
7. Thriller
8. Bad
9. Beat It
10. Billie Jean
11. Black Or White
12. One Day In Your Life
13. Human Nature
14. We Are The WorldThis album is composed of Michael Jackson songs that have been transformed into lullabies. Each song features soft bells and chimes, covering both the sounds of the vocals and the track combined into one easy-to-listen-to melody. Covering songs like "Human Nature", "We Are The World," and "I Just Can't Stop Loving You," all the day down to "One Day In Your Life" (whatchuknowaboutdat!?), this album is good enough for babies and Michael Jackson loving mothers to enjoy together.
Here is a sample track, one of my personal favorites from this lullaby album "I'll Be There":
I think that Babies to Go Michael Jackson would be the perfect gift to any MJ fan who is a mommy (or daddy) to be. The songs are familiar yet soothing and have just the right appeal for little ears.
Babies to Go is available for purchase from amazon.com in both CD format and as individual MP3s.
So, do any of my readers have MJ fan friends who are having babies soon or are new parents?
What do you think of the pop song lullaby CD trend?
I'd love to hear your thoughts!