Weekend is here!

So I am finally on my way to the weekend again! 

I am going away with my family for our annual summer reunion. I mean to be honest, I see most of my paternal family on a monthly basis because we all live in the East Coast and have the annual BBQ for my uncle's birthday that's like THE must-attend event in the family. But, since we have property in North Carolina, we kinda just go down because its a nice relaxing getaway. We do everything from having a fish-fry, to sitting around and watching bootleg movies on DVD, to taking pictures, playing spades, and of course eating some more.

I love being around all of the kids, especially. I am definitely not ready for (or planning to) have any children of my own anytime soon but, I love interacting with children and this weekend I'll be trying to capture lots of cuteness on candid camera. I also love seeing my family grow! It used to be all of us cousins but as we grow, our significant others and children come and enjoy the togetherness as well.

Did I tell you guys that I've made progress with my Michael Jackson Gallery Wall? 

Here are some sneak peaks:

This one was HAND DRAWN by my good friend Shannon. She is SO amazing and MJ is her muse... if you are interested in some beautiful, handmade MJ artwork, let me know. 

In other news I'm bummed about having to downsize our big BAD 25 event. At this point in time, I just don't have enough money to cover costs in case our group does not spend enough at the venue. It is my hope that one day this won't be the case but, it seems like our meetup will end up being at our normal venue again. I am totally okay with that but, I know that everyone craves some kind of change of environment. I used to be an event production intern so I may consult my old manager on some funding/venue ideas. I hope I'll be able to get it together as, I don't want to disappoint my co-organizer or the #MJFAM.                

Its tough.

I have been very good lately about my money though, which is great news. #schweet I've been doing things after work that are either free or very cheap. I have been making lunch and not spending anything, except occasionally when I am in need of my usual chocolate cake doughnut from Dunkin' Donuts with an iced coffee (because someone got me hooked! x_x) OR a hot tea and chocolate croissant from my local deli. Either way, 2 bucks 3 or 4 times a week will not make or break my budget.

I may have mentioned this before but, I was promoted after my hiatus in the Spring and kinda went batsh*t crazy with spending and am just getting my priorities in order. I have a lot of big goals and plans for the future and I don't really want any financial issues holding me back. I've been offered great suggestions, including using mint.com and also reading Dave Ramsey's Total Money Makeover to get my accounts in order. I will get it together for sure- its just taking some time.

Anyway, I'm off to pack and relax on the rest of this Friday night. I will be lighting a candle, enjoying some green tea ice cream, and hopefully primping and prepping for my short trip.

Talk to you later MJ family!

Be sure to follow MJFANGiRL on social for more! 
