MJ Fan Girl's Top 3: Unreleased Michael Jackson songs

For a long time now my fan friends have always given me a strange look whenever I share that I don't listen to unreleased songs.

Am I the only one who feels this way?

I am into all Michael Jackson music, ranging from early Jackson 5 recordings all the way down to the THIS IS IT soundtrack but, I've never been too into listening to songs that haven't been officially released. It's one of my weird pet peeves. Whenever I've had a Michael album in hand, I've had so much joy in listening to it all the way through in its entirety. Sitting on my computer, downloading and then listening to some unnamed, unmarked song just was never fun for me. HOWEVER... there are 3 that have slipped through the radar and they are my TOP 3 UNRELEASED MICHAEL JACKSON SONGS.

Now keep in mind, these have all been "RELEASED" eventually but, I'm under the impression that most "unreleased" tracks will be released in spurts, in the years to come. Now ONTO THE LIST...

3. We Are Here to Change the World- With the recent re-release of Captain EO at Disney World and a select few Disneyland parks, I thought it was fit to mention one of my all-time favorite songs. This is just a super exciting track and I consider it to be one of my favorite King of Pop songs to work out to. Not only are the words uplifting, the sound effects and layers are awesome. I had the pleasure of joining in on a dance lesson where a fellow fan by day and entertainer by night, taught myself and other MJ fans how to perform the dance from the short film. Although a bit altered, it was pretty much spot-on and made me feel like I was one of MJ's backup dancers- cool! (Sidenote: If any of you readers are interested in checking out some cool dance events, be sure to join Legacy of Love, the Premier Michael Jackson Fan Club of New York for info about upcoming events in the tri-state area!)

2. Do You Know Where Your Children Are?- If it wasn't for the sentimental value of #1, this would be my ultimate fave! I love the new jack swing feel of this song. I am not the biggest fan of hip-hop but, I am certainly a lover of ALL R&B music and this just reminds me of  "ABC", "Remember the Time" and "Unbreakable" rolled all into one. It almost sounds like the SWV Human Nature Remix of Right Here, but more awesome. Like many Michael Jackson songs, this  puts me in a great mood and I'd reccommend it to any fan, especially those of you who are partial to the DANGEROUS-era sound.

1. Someone Put Your Hand Out - Another Dangerous-era track, this song has been one of my favorites for over ten years. It got me through a lot of rough times and is truly expressive of how I feel about a lot of my trials in life. Amazingly, this song was unreleased in the United States but released in the early 2000's on The Ultimate Collection box set (one of the best release dates of my life-- when I got mine in the mail, I could hardly contain myself!)  This line from SPYHO sums up so much of Michael "So someone put your hand out, I'm begging for your love... All I do is hand out - a heart that needs your love"... and so much of US as the Michael Jackson Fan Community. This song is super special for me and that it is why its # 1 on my list,

I am looking forward to hearing some of the unreleased tracks and demos that we will be getting on the BAD 25 Anniversary edition but, I will as always, be waiting to listen when I get the physical album in my hand.

What are your favorite unreleased songs?
Are you a fan that runs to download the lastest MP3 leak (or are you a Patient Patty like me?)