Review: Dave Paul's PRINCE Vs. MICHAEL JACKSON party at DROM

Happy TUESDAY everyone!

Today's a pretty exciting time in the community isn't it? If you have not already heard, a new album composed of songs from the MJ vault, XSCAPE, is being released on 5/13/14. My first thought when I saw the promo was... Uhhhhh we have already heard XSCAPE before! I hope that the rest- if not all, of the album is made of songs that we actually have not heard. I guess we will see... Post your comments below if you have any additional information on this project :)

Now on to the main event...

This weekend I went to the Dave Paul Prince VS. Michael Jackson experience party with about twenty close friends. And yes.... I said twenty. People always ask me , who do you go to these Michael Jackson parties with? When I say I know all of the hardcore Jackson fans there... I am not lying. We all know each other from a past life.

Just joking!

We know each other from Legacy of Love, the fan club I run in NYC with my good friend MJYanaGirl and Thrill the World's NYC chapter. It goes without saying that when we are all there, it's always a fun time but, this weekend at DROM was probably the best Prince VS Michael Jackson event I've ever been to.

the girl was bad. the girl was dangerous. 

I decided to go wearing my new Urban Outfitters t-shirt. I got it in last week and I could not wait to throw it on. I am usually a size 4-6  depending on the brand so, a men's small fit me beautifully. If you're interested, check out Urban Outfitters, they offer free shipping with any purchase $50 or more... Buy one for you and a friend!

Dave and Marco (yes there were two DJs!) played all of the favorites from "I wanna be your lover" and "I want you back" to "Cream" and "Billie Jean". The party started jumping with non stop dance music from the beginning but, around 2am there was the sweet spot! They played DSTYGE and WBSS and all of my friends got on stage and danced their butts off! I even got up there for a few songs but, I really had no clue what I was doing, ha.

mjfangirl & my dancin' friend S

mjfangirl & my groovy friend I

mjfangirl & my lovely friend M

The highlight of the night was a little after 3am for me. To be honest, most other people had left by that point and it was mostly Michael Jackson fans at the venue. Dave Paul ended the party with my favorite Prince song "Adore" and a bunch of MJ music that you rarely ever hear in a party setting. Come on... Where else are you going to hear "I Can't Help It"... "Everybody" by the Jacksons... AND the full version of "I Am Love"???

Dave Paul knows that the Michael Jackson fans love and support his parties and in turn, always does something special for the fans!

photo courtesy of photographer Kurt W/ via FB

billie jean

Be sure to follow MJFANGiRL on social for more! 

Seeing Captain EO at EPCOT!

I went with a good friend of mine to Florida to attend Brad Sundberg's In The Studio with Michael 
Jackson seminar. I have too many thoughts about that seminar, so I will leave my review on that for a different post. Today, I want to take you guys into my experience seeing Captain EO at EPCOT with Brad Sundberg, Matt Forger, and a group of really enthusiastic fans (and now, new friends!).

If you have never seen Captain EO, I first want to say that, it's more than just some cool short that Michael did in the 1980s. Captain EO was the first of it's kind, the first 4D film, complete with surround sound, 3D effects, and laser lights.

 Here's an excerpt of what's on the Disney World webpage about it:

"Executive producer George Lucas and director Francis Ford Coppola changed the world when they released Captain EO in 1986. A revolutionary filming process using twin 70mm polarizing projectors and “4D” in-theater effects made it the most expensive film per minute ever produced at the time, costing an estimated $30 million and clocking in at 17 minutes.

...Screening in the same Imagination! Pavilion Magic Eye Theater where it aired from 1986 to 1994, Captain EO features show-stopping musical numbers, original songs written by Michael Jackson and dazzling choreography that will take a new generation of Guests on a journey to the stars."

And I've got to mention again...  Michael Jackson as the star :-). Even though (as Matt Forger joked)  it was those three that got the credit, it really was the efforts of many that brought Captain EO to life. So grateful to have been there with Brad and Matt and to hear about how much work and team effort it really took.

At the park we listened to stories (and enjoyed a few rides) together. Of course, we also watched the film as a group a few times. I have been to EPCOT before but, this was my first experience watching the film with other fans. Let me say, if you have never had the chance to see Michael up close and personal on the big screen, going to see Captain EO will be awesome for you. One of my favorite things was being able to see Michael interact with Hooter (fix it Hooter!!) and sing the EO version of "Another Part of Me". One of my favorite songs but, even more upbeat and fun on the ride.

Laughs, behind the scenes of Captain EO

My most memorable moment from the trip to EPCOT was hearing a story about Michael's dedication and work ethic. So there was this scene during which he was to be hoisted in the air and singing "We Are Here To Change the World".  The scene just called for him to lip-sync, but unbeknownst to everyone on set, he was singing with all of his might and LOUD. When the director suddenly called "CUT!", Michael kept singing (as anyone would when performing and haven't realized yet that the music is off). The people on set were taken aback when the music shut off and here Michael was, singing his a** off.  So... Why he was singing 100%, when all he had to do was lip-sync?

Well, to Michael- the way the neck looked when fully emoting, compared to just lip-syncing was something that needed to be captured. Otherwise, he was afraid that the singing wouldn't look authentic.

This was a scene that was eventually cut from the final film but, it was touching to hear about how Michael was such a perfectionist. Talk about going the EXTRA MILE!

Anyway, I hope to get back to Disney and see it at least one more time this year but not so sure if I'll be able to save up the money or have the time to make this happen. If you haven't seen Captain EO at Disney, RUN and don't walk to your nearest park (it's still open in Disneyland and in Tokyo Disney too)!

me in my EO outfit
Don't forget to follow me on  Instagram and say hello on Twitter

Have you ever seen Captain EO? What was your favorite part of the movie?

Be sure to follow MJFANGiRL on social for more! 

Follow the blog by CLICKING HERE to get an email every time a new post goes live.

Every wonder in this world to me

a treasure time won't steal away.

ahh, happy hump day !

My work life has been SO crazy lately but, I have a lot of fun things coming up - including some hardcore Michaeling! One of my good friends is celebrating a milestone birthday so, much partying is in order. And of course, since we are all going to be MJ fans at the party, we are probably doing to be doing a lot of MJ -lovin' activities.

I am also super happy because for the first time everrrrr, my blog was featured and a single post got hundreds of hits in a day. Special thanks to Who's Bad for the feature, it means so much to me that you guys read and enjoyed my review.

Moments like this make me really excited and want to dedicate more of my energy and time into blogging about my experiences both at MJ fan events and as a fan in general. I am open to covering lots more events and subjects in the future so, if you have a suggestion or want me to review something or post about an item in my collection, even write about a part of living life as a Michael Jackson fan... leave a comment below :)

Be sure to follow MJFANGiRL on social for more! 

Who's Bad the Ultimate Michael Jackson Tribute Band Review (03.07.2014)

Life has been nothing short of crazy lately but, as most Michael fans know, nothing soothes the soul like a good dose of Michaeling. 

the Who's Bad guys

The first time I went to see Who’s Bad was in 2011, at BB Kings here in NYC. That day just happened to be my birthday so, it was a special treat for sure. At the time,  I had just made a ton of great MJ fan friends and seeing this band was just one of many events that we frequented. Recently my life has changed so much in terms of what I do on a day to day basis, so this time I really had to push myself to go. After working almost a 70 hour work week, I found myself sitting at my desk on a Friday night still having paperwork to do. At 7:30 I finally pulled myself together and made my way to Brooklyn to meet up with good friends of mine.

The show was slated to start at 8pm but, Who’s Bad didn’t come on until 2 hours later. The opening act was pretty cool though (Kwame Bones) and performed lots of fun songs like Stevie Wonder’s “Superstitious” and the Rolling Stones “Satisfaction”. When Who’s Bad came to the stage, we were totally amped up and ready to ROCK!

The Who’s Bad show has several points that make the show super enjoyable and something that I will see time and time again. First of all, the band is awesome. It’s one thing to listen to Michael Jackson music in a club setting but, to hear the music played live and to see band members interact, dance, sing background vocals, AND play instruments is pretty much unheard of. The two background dancers were also a great addition especially for songs like "They Don't Care About Us," "Thriller," and the Drill. 

I have to talk about Taalib York, the lead and main tribute artist who performs as Michael.

I have never been a fan of the tribute artist or the “impersonator” in general but, I was so impressed and touched by Taalib’s performance. On stage he seemed to be himself and wasn't on stage trying too hard to be Michael-esque, had on just the right amount of makeup, and didn't try to change his speaking voice (that I could tell) to mimic Michael’s in any way. That being said, Taalib captured the essence of Michael Jackson and totally embodied his spirit and on stage personality- not to mention his interaction with the audience was great. He is also very down-to-earth and came down to take photos and chat with family, friends, and fans. I left Brooklyn Bowl last night with an extreme feeling of gratitude. I believe that when Taalib is on the stage, he is a vessel for Michael’s performing spirit to shine through. For that, I am grateful that he has dedicated a part of his life to doing this show for the past ten years. Not every tribute artist can evoke that type of feeling in a fan (and I’ve seen my fair share of these type of shows).  

Overall, it was an exhilarating time and just what I needed. They perform all of the hits and even some unexpected songs. I would love to hear see them perform some different songs but, that may come in time I suppose. I plan on seeing them again whenever they come to town and recommend the Who’s Bad Ultimate Michael Jackson tribute band show to any and all MJ fans.

(love this place)

(me with Taalib)

You guys, going to see that show last night was like hitting the reset button for me. I just needed it. I needed it and I am so thankful to have the passion and love for Michael in my life that I do. It's something that has kept me sane and helps put so much into perspective for me. What has your experience been with tribute bands? Have you ever seen Who’s Bad before?

Be sure to follow MJFANGiRL on social for more! 

Keeping Balance While Running a Michael Jackson fan group/blog

Legacy of Love: Michael Jackson Fans United

was a meetup group that I started, with a purpose.

With a huge goal in mind and lots of love for MJ in my heart, I set out to build a community for Michael Jackson fans in the New York City Tri-state area. I succeeded (with the help and participation of fans and with the help of my devoted co-organizer).

Legacy of Love

, the little group that started in May 2010, now has almost 300 fan members, notable mentions in real publications, and even a good relationship with many of the other stand-out organizations in the community.

After the first two years,

Legacy of Love

became more of a struggle for me to maintain. I attribute this


to a lack of free time. But, it's important to also note that I treated it as a job and endured peaks and valleys, just to make sure that I kept all of the members happy. Well, in making sure that everything was well organized and enjoyable for members, I lost my passion for Michael.

Yeah. I lost it.

I know, it's strange.

I used to be so excited, so passionate, like an MJfangirl SHOULD be.

*hangs head in shame*

After taking a couple months off, I have reevaluated things and can now listen to Michael again with

ease and not feel like I am forcing his music on myself. I can actually go to my DVD rack, and pull a Michael concert or Vision off of the shelf and anticipate watching it.

I used to be confused as to why some of the largest fan groups, blogs, and forums shut down after such a great run. ESPECIALLY after 2009. I felt like now more than EVER, people would be interested in working to keep the legacy alive. But now I realize, maybe those fans were like me?

Putting promoting Michael's legacy above their own personal enjoyment and experiences being a fan.

My advice to anyone running a Michael Jackson forum or fanpage? 


Do not do what I did and risk losing your love for Michael Jackson. 

Do any other fans out there who run blogs, MJ focused groups, websites, forums etc. get tired of MICHAELING? 

I would love to hear your comments.

flashback: a jackson 5 christmas 2012

hey y'all.
I posted this photo of my Christmas tree last year.
Would love to say that I've got a new one but, I will be reusing my old and faithful that is pictured above. 
Christmas has always been my favorite holiday and I can't wait until I get the chance to decorate and celebrate again!

Here's a look back at my post about why the Jackson 5 Christmas Album will always be a special part of my holiday season. 

Why Jackson 5 Christmas Album Will Be a Tradition in my Home for Years to Come

hope everyone has a lovely weekend!

Immortal Tour to Return Stateside in 2013

The big news circulating the Michael Jackson fan community, is that Cirque's Immortal Tour is coming back to the U.S. And with several (40!) arena dates and an updated version, it's a must-see in 2014! Check out the Billboard article here for more info : LINK

Although I've been saying that I wasn't too thrilled about what I saw the first time around I have now had a slight change of heart. I felt that it was too cliche and almost  There will be some slight changes, according to John Branca, so I can't pass up the opportunity to see what's in store. I do have some favorite moments, like the unforgettable performance of "I Just Can't Stop Loving You," which was truly breathtaking.  Looking forward to seeing the changes. I'll be sure to post when tickets go live again!

How many MJFAM will be there to check this out the second time around?
Comment below! 

My Michael Jackson fandom, ever evolving.

There was a point in my life when Michael Jackson was the focal point of every single day. And at the beginning, my life outside of home compared to my time in my room were two different things.

Let me introduce you to MJFanGirl in high school. 
hi there, my name is mjfangirl and i am so studious, yes i am!

Here's what I went home to:
No space to sleep. Peep the old school phone!

Masquerade ball? Why yes, I will attend... as SIR Michael Jackson!

Michael Michael Michael Michaeeeeeeeel.

Here's an example of how my day may have gone as a high schooler:

I would pretty much wake up for school, get dressed listening to Michael, in between staring at the Michael Jackson posters on my wall. Head to school with Dangerous or Bad remastered CD in my Discman player, riding the bus and singing along in my head.

I'd open my Michael Jackson binder to take notes for class. During lunch, I'd head to the library and log onto MJJForum (which is now MJJCommunity). I might even use some time to print photos of Michael using my print allowance at school, to add to the ever-growing collage on my wall. I'd then go home, and spend hours watching Michael videos on Jetzi's site (this is BEFORE Youtube), downloading clips of Michael, and sometimes just spending time watching one of MANY MJ VHS tapes I made.

And after dinner, I'd juggle talking to my MJ fans on AIM, bidding for rare items (t-shirts!) on eBAY, commenting on online forums, and working on my Jackson 5 website. Yes... I had a Jackson 5 website.

Anyone in high school could tell you that I was the Michael Jackson fan. 
Let's be clear- I decorated my locker with his photos, collected any newspaper with his face on the cover, danced like him in every talent show. People thought I was obsessed but, I went to a small intellectual high school, so rarely was I ever bullied. I am sure I was made fun of behind my back but, for #MJFAM, that just comes with the territory.

What they don't know was that Michael Jackson fandom was more than just an obsession or a past-time for me. It was sort of a fantasy. There's no denying that I always fantasized about the numerous possibilities of how I could be a part of Michael's life. Maybe I could be his friend one day. Or marry one of his nephews, so I could be a Jackson too! Part of that fantasy still holds true in a way. It'd be my dream to work on the Michael Jackson estate team, using my experience, knowledge, and devotion to MJ to help promote his legacy to fans both old and new around the world.

I guess as time went on and I went away to college, met new people, and made new friends- Michael faded into the background. Every now and then, my fandom comes back with a burst of energy and excitement. I guess the way in which I show my love for Michael has evolved. But, I will never forget (and my oldest friends and family will never allow me to forget!) the golden days of my fandom.

Has your Michael Jackson fandom evolved through the years? 
What are some of your most memorable moments as an MJ fan?

Be sure to follow MJFANGiRL on social for more!